How to Transfer Your Internet Domain Name

Buying and Selling a Business
domain transfer

When you sell your business, you will likely need to transfer your domain name to the buyer. This is easy to accomplish, and here is a step-by-step guide. The exact process will depend on your domain registrar. In this post, we’ll use GoDaddy as an example.

The buyer should set up a new account

The easiest way to transfer a domain name is for the buyer to set up an account with the registrar that the domain name is currently registered with. It’s possible to transfer the domain name to from one registrar to another, but it’s a more complicated process, and it’s usually best to stick with the same registrar. If the buyer wants to switch registrars later, they can always do so after they buy your business.

To set up an account at GoDaddy, go to and click the “Sign In” button at the top of the page, then click the “Create My Account” button in the “New Customer” area. Provide an email address, username, and password in the “Create an Account” dialog box that pops up, and you have a new account. Here’s a link to GoDaddy’s guide on setting up new accounts.

Turn off anti-theft protections

Many domain registrars offer protections against domain name theft. These protections will keep you from transferring the domain to the buyer, so you’ll need to turn them off. To do this, the seller should log into their GoDaddy account and click the “Manage” button for the domain name they want to transfer. This is found in the “Domains” area under a “Products and Services” heading. This will bring up a domain settings page. Scroll down to “Additional Settings” and click the “Edit” button to turn off Domain Lock.

If you have domain privacy enabled you’ll need to disable it. This is also done in the “Privacy Settings” area, where you need to click the “Remove Privacy” link toward the bottom of the area.

If you’ve purchased enhanced domain protection, you’ll need to cancel this before transferring your domain name. Scroll to the “Privacy Settings” area and click on the shaded box that says “NOTE: To remove privacy, first remove Protected Registration.” You’ll have to verify your identity and confirm that you want to remove the protection.

Transfer the domain

While still on the “Domain Name Settings” page, scroll back down to the “Additional Settings” area. Click on the “Transfer domain to another GoDaddy account link” on the right-hand side of the page. Enter the buyer’s email address in the dialog box that pops up, and click the “no” radio button under “Do you want to copy the current domain contact information to the new account?”

The buyer will need to follow the instructions to accept the domain transfer in an email that GoDaddy send. Then the transfer will be complete.

Here’s a two-minute video from GoDaddy on domain transfers. It shows an alternate procedure that allows you to transfer multiple domains at once.

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